Thursday, January 7, 2010

Aging is Weird

As Ive gotten older and begun to read books like " I Feel Bad about My Neck" by Nora Ephron and plastic surgery guides by Joan Rivers, (the poor deluded dear), there's so much I want and need to say about being in ones 50s. I want to shout it from the rooftops: Men have it better!!!!! IF you are in possession of a vajayjay, you will never be as successful as a man. Right Hillary?

There, Ive ranted. Now let me begin this blog by mentioning the dreaded Invisibilty Factor. Remember when you were a teen and you walked down the street and construction workers would make that oral sex sound as you walked by? Ewwww! I hated that! It was so disgusting, so visceral - and I'd give a day's pay to hear it now. Yes, I am still attractive to men, but not all men anymore. There are segments. Young guys still like me, which is weird. Old guys like me, but I don't like them. I still get looks, but not from the men I want - the ones in their 30s and 40s. So I dont date much. Sometimes I sit on the subway looking around, taking my desirabilility temperature. It's still nearly normal, but its low normal. So Ive dyed my hair red. Now everyone notices me. Yay! The whole thing is just weird.

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